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The Yocto Project’s “Layer Model” is a development model for embedded and IoT Linux creation that distinguishes the Yocto Project from other simple build systems. The Layer Model simultaneously supports collaboration and customization. Layers are repositories that contain related sets of instructions that tell the OpenEmbedded Build System what to do.

Layers support the inclusion of technologies, hardware components, and software components. The Yocto Project Compatible designation is applied to appropriate products and software components (BSPs, other OE-compatible layers, and related open source projects). This provides a level of standardization and contributes to a strong ecosystem.

Know what you’re looking for? Search the layer index below. New to layers? Check out our Layer Model Guide to get started.

If you are a Yocto Project member* or a non-profit open source project that is creating layers using the Yocto Project, you are eligible** to apply for Yocto Project Compatible status. Apply today!

YP Compatible Layer Registration Application

*Must be Platinum, Gold, or Silver membership level
** Additional criteria required to be approved. More details are available in the application form.

LayerBranchesDescriptionSource Code
meta-agl-coremaster, kirkstone, scarthgapThis is the core layer with essential recipes and the distro.Jan-Simon Möller
meta-armmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadGeneral layer for Arm recipesJon Mason and Ross Burton
meta-arm-bspmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadBSP layer for Arm reference and virtual platformsJon Mason and Ross Burton
meta-arm-toolchainmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadThis layer adds support for building with Arm GCC and Arm GCC binary toolchains.Jon Mason
meta-awsmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadThe standard layer for Amazon Web Services off-cloud software.Richard Elberger
meta-clangmaster, scarthgap, styheadClang/llvm alternative to gcc for C/C++ cross compilerKhem Raj
meta-exeinmaster, scarthgap, styheadPulsar supportGianluigi Spagnuolo
meta-filesystemsmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadTools for providing and working with additional filesystems.Martin Jansa
meta-gem5kirkstoneRecipe and machine for the gem5 simulator system.Jon Mason and Ross Burton
meta-gnomemaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadGNOME UI supportMartin Jansa and Koen Kooi
meta-gplv2kirkstoneRecipes corresponding to old, obsolete versions of software that are GPLv2 licensed where the upstream have moved to GPLv3 licenses.Ross Burton
meta-initramfsmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadinitramfs toolsPaul Eggleton and Andrea Adami
meta-intelmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadOfficial layer for Intel platform/board support.Anuj Mittal
meta-mingwmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadOpenEmbedded meta layer for mingw based SDKsRichard Purdie
meta-multimediamaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadMultimedia-related softwareKoen Kooi
meta-netbootmaster, kirkstoneThis layer contains some recipes and configuration adjustments to allow network boot through NBD (network boot device).Jan-Simon Möller
meta-networkingmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadNetwork-related softwareJoe MacDonald
meta-oemaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadAdditional shared OE metadataKhem Raj
meta-perlmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadAdditional Perl recipes beyond those provided in OE-CoreHongxu Jia
meta-pokymaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadPoky reference distribution for the Yocto ProjectRichard Purdie
meta-pythonmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadRecipes for packaging Python modulesDerek Straka and Tim "moto-timo" Orling
meta-raspberrypikirkstoneRaspberry Pi board supportAndrei Gherzan
meta-rz-bspscarthgap, kirkstoneSimple BSP for Renesas RZ reference platformsChris Paterson
meta-ti-bspmaster, kirkstone, scarthgapThe official OpenEmbedded/Yocto BSP layer for Texas Instruments platforms.Denys Dmytriyenko and Ryan Eatmon
meta-ti-extrasmaster, kirkstone, scarthgapLayer with extra components to extend Texas Instruments BSP layerDenys Dmytriyenko and Ryan Eatmon
meta-virtualizationmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadHypervisor, virtualization tool stack, and cloud supportBruce Ashfield
meta-webservermaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadWeb server related softwareDerek Straka
meta-xfcemaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadXFCE UI supportAndreas Müller
meta-yocto-bspmaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadBSP layer for Yocto Project reference hardwareRichard Purdie
openembedded-coremaster, kirkstone, scarthgap, styheadCore metadataRichard Purdie